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This table of contents includes major sections of this wiki (e.g., "Policies and Procedures"),  and links to separate pages (e.g., "Get Involved-2017") and important subpages (e.g., "Training Overview").  All Rangers should review the material in "Policy and Procedures", as well as "Basic Ranger Skills".
This table of contents includes major sections of this wiki (e.g., "Policies and Procedures"),  and links to separate pages (e.g., "Get Involved") and important page sections (e.g., "Training Overview").  All Rangers should review the material in "Policy and Procedures", as well as "Basic Ranger Skills".

== Overview ==
== Overview ==
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[[Table of Contents|Table of contents]]
[[Table of Contents|Table of contents]]

[[Overview of the Firefly Rangers]]
[[Welcome to the Firefly Rangers|Welcome to the Firefly Rangers (summary of what new Rangers should know)]]  

* [[Overview_of_the_Firefly_Rangers#Mission | Mission]]
[[Overview of the Firefly Rangers|Overview of the Firefly Rangers (detailed description of role)]]

* [[Overview_of_the_Firefly_Rangers#Who are the Firefly Rangers? | Who are the Firefly Rangers?]]
== [[ Policies and Procedures Overview |Policies and Procedures Overview]] ==

* [[Overview_of_the_Firefly_Rangers#Firefly Arts Collective Participant Code of Conduct | Firefly Arts Collective Participant Code of Conduct]]
=== [[Get Involved]] ===
[[Get_Involved_-_2019#Training Overview |Training Overview]]

== Policies and Procedures ==
[[Get_Involved_-_2019#Alphas_.281st_year.29 |Alphas (1st year)]]

[[ Policies and Procedures Overview ]]
[[Get_Involved_-_2019#Shiny_Pennies_.282nd_Year.29 |Shiny Pennies (2nd year)]]

[[Get Involved - 2017]]
[[Get_Involved_-_2019#Returning_Rangers_.283rd.2B_Year.29 |Returning Rangers (3+ year)]]

* [[Get_Involved_-_2017#Training Overview | Training Overview]]
[[Get_Involved_-_2019#New_Experienced_Rangers |New Experienced Rangers]]
* [[Get_Involved_-_2017#Alphas_.281st_year.29 | Alphas (1st year)]]
* [[Get_Involved_-_2017#Shiny_Pennies_.282nd_Year.29 | Shiny Pennies (2nd year)]]
* [[Get_Involved_-_2017#Returning_Rangers_.283rd.2B_Year.29 | Returning Rangers (3+ year)]]
* [[Get_Involved_-_2017#New_Experienced_Rangers | New Experienced Rangers]]
* [[Get_Involved_-_2017#2017_Ranger_Training_Opportunities | 2017 Ranger Training Opportunities]]
* [[ Get_Involved_-_2017#Shift_sign_up | Shift sign-up]]
* [[ Get_Involved_-_2017#Keep_In_Touch | Keep in touch]]

[[ Changes & Highlights for 2017 ]]
[[Get Involved#Ranger Training Opportunities|Ranger Training Opportunities]]

[[ How to become a Firefly Ranger ]]
[[ Get_Involved_-_2019#Shift_sign_up |Shift sign-up]]

[[ At-Event Ranger Roles ]]
[[ Get_Involved_-_2019#Keep_In_Touch |Keep in touch]]

[[ What Rangers do on Shift ]]
[[Get Involved#Changes and Highlights for 2022|Changes & Highlights for 2022]]  

[[ Rangerly and Unrangerly Behavior ]]
=== Ranger Roles & Shifts ===
* [[ Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Authority | Authority]]
[[ At-Event Ranger Roles |'''At-Event Ranger Roles''']]
* [[ Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Non-confrontational.2C_Non-authoritarian_Methods | Non-confrontational, Non-authoritarian Methods of Interaction]]
* [[Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Social_capital | Social Capital]]
* [[Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Un-Rangerly_Behavior | Un-Rangerly Behavior]]

[[Preparing for your Shift]]
[[At-Event_Ranger_Roles#Alpha_Dirt_Rangers|Alpha Dirt Rangers]]
* [[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Ranger_Costume | Ranger Costume]]
* [[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Required_Equipment_.2F_Ranger_Checklist | Ranger Shift Checklist]]
* [[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Self-Care | Self-Care]]
* [[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Schedule | Schedule]]

[[Ranger Shift Logistics]]
[[At-Event_Ranger_Roles#Dirt_Rangers|Dirt Rangers]]
* [[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#Coming_on_Shift | Coming On Shift]]
* [[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#During_your_shift | During your shift]]
* [[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#Going_off_Shift | Going off Shift]]
* [[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#Decompressing_After_your_Shift | Decompressing after your shift]]
[[ Situation-Specific Procedures]]


/What you must report to Khaki
[[At-Event_Ranger_Roles#Mentor_Dirt_Rangers|Mentor Dirt Rangers]]

/ICS in brief

[[ Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources ]]
*[[ Beyond_the_Rangers:_other_Firefly_Cores_%26_Resources#Other_Safety_Cores | Other Safety Cores]]
* [[ Beyond_the_Rangers:_other_Firefly_Cores_%26_Resources#Radio_Core | Radio Core]]
* [[Beyond_the_Rangers:_other_Firefly_Cores_%26_Resources#Other_Firefly_Cores_.26_Roles | Other Firefly Cores & Roles]]

[[ Emergencies ]]
[[At-Event_Ranger_Roles#Officer_of_the_Day_.28OOD.29|Officer of the Day (OOD)]]
* [[Emergencies#Medical_Emergency | Medical Emergency]]
* [[Emergencies#Lost_Child | Lost Child]]

[[ Other Situation-Specific Procedures ]]
[[At-Event_Ranger_Roles#Bug_Burn_Perimeter|Bug Burn Perimeter]]
*[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Found_Child | Found Child]]
*[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Disoriented_Participant | Disoriented participant]]
*[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Unattended_Fire | Unattended Fire]]
*[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Burn_Perimeter | Burn Perimeter]]
*[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Wristbands | Wristbands]]
*[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Accessibility_Animals | Accessibility Animals]]

[[At-Event_Ranger_Roles#Ranger_Roles_Eligibility_Policy_for_2017|Ranger Roles Eligibility Policy for 2018]]

[[ Basic Ranger Skills Overview ]]
[[ Rangerly and Unrangerly Behavior |'''Rangerly and Unrangerly Behavior''']]
* [[ Basic_Ranger_Skills_Overview#Using_your_notebook | Using your Notebook]]
* [[ Basic_Ranger_Skills_Overview#Situational_Awareness | Situational Awareness]]
* [[ Basic_Ranger_Skills_Overview#Self-Awareness:_Trigger_Issues | Self-Awareness: Trigger Issues]]
* [[ Basic_Ranger_Skills_Overview#Kick_it_sideways | Kick it Sideways]]
* [[ Basic_Ranger_Skills_Overview#Mediation_.26_Conflict_Resolution_Overview | Mediation & Conflict Resolution Overview]]
* [[ Basic_Ranger_Skills_Overview#Transcending_the_Model | Transcending the Model]]

[[ F.L.A.M.E ]]
[[ Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Authority |Authority]]
* [[F.L.A.M.E#What_is_F.L.A.M.E..3F | What is F.L.A.M.E.?]]
* [[F.L.A.M.E#F.L.A.M.E._In_Action | F.L.A.M.E. In Action]]

[[ Communication ]]
[[ Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Non-confrontational.2C_Non-authoritarian_Methods |Non-confrontational, Non-authoritarian Methods of Interaction]]

[[ Mediation, Descalation, etc. ]]
[[Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Social_capital |Social Capital]]

/Trigger issues
[[Rangerly_and_Unrangerly_Behavior#Un-Rangerly_Behavior |Un-Rangerly Behavior]]

[[ Self-Care & Responder Trauma ]]
[[Preparing for your Shift|'''Preparing for your Shift''']]

[[ Radio Basics ]]
[[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Ranger_Costume |Ranger Costume]]

[[ Firefly Ranger Jargon Glossary ]]
[[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Required_Equipment_.2F_Ranger_Checklist |Ranger Shift Checklist]]
[[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Self-Care |Self-Care]]
[[Preparing_for_your_Shift#Schedule |Schedule]]
[[Ranger Shift Logistics|'''Ranger Shift Logistics''']]
[[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#Coming_on_Shift |Coming On Shift]]
[[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#During_your_shift |During your shift]]
[[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#Going_off_Shift |Going off Shift]]
[[Ranger_Shift_Logistics#Decompressing_After_your_Shift |Decompressing after your shift]]
=== [[ Situation-Specific Procedures]] ===
[[Situation-Specific_Procedures#Situations_that_Must_Be_Reported_to_Khaki |What you must report to Khaki]]
[[Situation-Specific_Procedures#Incident_Command_System_.28ICS.29_in_brief |ICS in Brief]]
[[ Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources |'''Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources''']]
[[Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources#First Aid Core|First Aid]]
[[Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources#Sanctuary|Sanctuary]]
[[Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources#Fire_Core_and_Fire_Arts_Safety_Team_.28FAST.29|Fire Core / FAST]]
[[ Emergencies |'''Emergencies''']]
[[Emergencies#Medical_Emergency |Medical Emergency]]
[[Emergencies#Lost_Child |Lost Child]]
[[ Other Situation-Specific Procedures |'''Other Situation-Specific Procedures''']]
[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Found_Child |Found Child]]
[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Disoriented_Participant |Disoriented participant]]
[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Unattended_Fire |Unattended Fire]]
[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Burn_Perimeter |Burn Perimeter]]
[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Wristbands |Wristbands]]
[[Other_Situation-Specific_Procedures#Accessibility_Animals |Accessibility Animals]]
== [[ Basic Ranger Skills Overview |Basic Ranger Skills Overview]] ==
=== [[ F.L.A.M.E ]] ===
=== [[Find Out: Approaching the Situation]] ===
[[Find Out: Approaching the Situation|First, "Do Nothing"]]
[[Find Out: Approaching the Situation|Your Reason for Approaching the Situation]]

[[Find Out: Approaching the Situation|Situational Awareness]]

[[ Overview of Advanced Ranger Skills & Roles ]]
[[Find Out: Approaching the Situation|Self-Awareness]]

[[ Conflict Resolution ]]
[[Find Out: Approaching the Situation|Introduce Yourself]]

[[ Conflict Resolution Handout ]]
[[Find Out: Approaching the Situation|Using your Notebook]]

[[ Mentor Guidelines ]]
=== [[ Communication ]] ===



[[Echelon Shift Guide]]

[[Khaki Overview]]

-Intro to Khaki Training
=== [[Mediation]] ===
[[Mediation#Intervention and Escalation|Intervention and Escalation]]

-Khaki Forms & Other Resources
[[Mediation#Mediating as a Neutral Third Party|Mediating as a Neutral Third Party]]

-Concise Narrative
[[Mediation#Empathy and Empathetic Attunement|Empathy and Empathetic Attunement]]
-Ranger Log Coversheet

-Log Page
[[Mediation#Interest vs. Position|Interest vs. Position]]

-ConCom Form
[[Mediation#Creating Options|Creating Options]]

-Incident Response Evaluation Form
[[Mediation#Conflict Resolution|Conflict Resolution]]

-ICS Documentation Form
[[Mediation#Mediating Stressed Out Participants|Mediating Stressed Out Participants]]

-ICS Volunteer Check In Form
[[Mediation#Self-Awareness: Trigger Issues|Self-Awareness: Trigger Issues]]

-Medical Emergency Cheat Sheet
[[Mediation#Kick it sideways|Kick it sideways]]

-Lost Child Cheat Sheet
[[Mediation#Self Care and Responder Trauma|Self Care and Responder Trauma]]

-Advanced Khaki I-Leadership Skills
=== [[ Radio Basics ]] ===
[[ Firefly Ranger Jargon Glossary ]]

-Advanced Khaki II-Problem Solving
== [[Advanced Ranger Skills and Roles Overview]] ==
[[ Conflict Resolution ]]

[[ Conflict Resolution Handout ]]

[[ Mentor Guidelines ]]
[[Echelon Shift Guide]]
==[[Intro to Khaki|Khaki]]==
[[Intro to Khaki]]
[[Advanced Khaki I-Leadership Skills]]
[[Advanced Khaki II-Problem Solving]]
==[[ICS Overview|ICS (Incident Command System)]] ==

[[ICS Overview]]
[[ICS Overview]]

-ICS I-Basic Concepts
[[Situation-Specific_Procedures#Incident_Command_System_.28ICS.29_in_brief|ICS in Brief]] (Section of P & P)

-ICS II-For Safety Core Volunteers
[[ICS I-Basic Concepts]]

-ICS III-Managing Developing Incidents
[[ICS II-For Safety Core Volunteers]]

-ICS IV-Organizational Structure
[[ICS III-Managing Developing Incidents]]

[[ICS IV-Organizational Structure]]

==About the Firefly Ranger Organization==
[[Crisis Response Soft Skills]]

[[Overview of Firefly Ranger Organization: History, Structure & Getting Involved Year-Round]]
==[[Firefly Ranger Organization: History, Structure, and Getting Involved Year-Round|Firefly Ranger Organization]] ==

[[Firefly Ranger Organization History]]
[[Firefly Ranger Organization: History, Structure, and Getting Involved Year-Round|History, Structure & Getting Involved Year-Round]]
[[Firefly_Ranger_Organization:_History,_Structure,_and_Getting_Involved_Year-Round#Current_Ranger_Leadership|Current Ranger Leadership]]
[[Firefly_Ranger_Organization:_History,_Structure,_and_Getting_Involved_Year-Round#Join_a_Ranger_Team|How to Join a Ranger Team]]

[[Firefly Ranger Charter]]
[[Firefly Ranger Charter]]
* [[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#Preamble | Preamble]]
* [[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#The_Firefly_Ranger_Family | The Firefly Ranger Family]]
* [[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#At-Event_Ranger_Roles | At-Event Ranger Roles]]
* [[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#Who_are_the_Firefly_Rangers.3F | Who are the Firefly Rangers]]
* [[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#Ranger_Leadership | Ranger Leadership]]
* [[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#Elections_.26_Ranger_Team_Membership | Elections and Team Membership]]

[[Firefly_Ranger_Charter#Ranger_Leadership |Ranger Leadership and Year-round roles]]
[[Acknowledgments & BRC Manual]]
==[[Firefly Ranger Charter]] ==
[[Firefly Ranger Charter]]

Latest revision as of 13:09, 9 June 2024

This table of contents includes major sections of this wiki (e.g., "Policies and Procedures"), and links to separate pages (e.g., "Get Involved") and important page sections (e.g., "Training Overview"). All Rangers should review the material in "Policy and Procedures", as well as "Basic Ranger Skills".


Main Page

Table of contents

Welcome to the Firefly Rangers (summary of what new Rangers should know)

Overview of the Firefly Rangers (detailed description of role)

Policies and Procedures Overview

Get Involved

Training Overview

Alphas (1st year)

Shiny Pennies (2nd year)

Returning Rangers (3+ year)

New Experienced Rangers

Ranger Training Opportunities

Shift sign-up

Keep in touch

Changes & Highlights for 2022

Ranger Roles & Shifts

At-Event Ranger Roles

Alpha Dirt Rangers

Dirt Rangers


Mentor Dirt Rangers



Officer of the Day (OOD)

Bug Burn Perimeter

Ranger Roles Eligibility Policy for 2018

Rangerly and Unrangerly Behavior


Non-confrontational, Non-authoritarian Methods of Interaction

Social Capital

Un-Rangerly Behavior

Preparing for your Shift

Ranger Costume

Ranger Shift Checklist



Ranger Shift Logistics

Coming On Shift

During your shift

Going off Shift

Decompressing after your shift

Situation-Specific Procedures

What you must report to Khaki

ICS in Brief

Beyond the Rangers: other Firefly Cores & Resources

First Aid


Fire Core / FAST


Medical Emergency

Lost Child

Other Situation-Specific Procedures

Found Child

Disoriented participant

Unattended Fire

Burn Perimeter


Accessibility Animals

Basic Ranger Skills Overview


Find Out: Approaching the Situation

First, "Do Nothing"

Your Reason for Approaching the Situation

Situational Awareness


Introduce Yourself

Using your Notebook








Intervention and Escalation

Mediating as a Neutral Third Party

Empathy and Empathetic Attunement

Interest vs. Position

Creating Options

Conflict Resolution

Mediating Stressed Out Participants

Self-Awareness: Trigger Issues

Kick it sideways

Self Care and Responder Trauma

Radio Basics

Firefly Ranger Jargon Glossary

Advanced Ranger Skills and Roles Overview

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution Handout

Mentor Guidelines

Echelon Shift Guide


Intro to Khaki

Advanced Khaki I-Leadership Skills

Advanced Khaki II-Problem Solving

ICS (Incident Command System)

ICS Overview

ICS in Brief (Section of P & P)

ICS I-Basic Concepts

ICS II-For Safety Core Volunteers

ICS III-Managing Developing Incidents

ICS IV-Organizational Structure

Crisis Response Soft Skills

Firefly Ranger Organization

History, Structure & Getting Involved Year-Round

Current Ranger Leadership

How to Join a Ranger Team

Firefly Ranger Charter

Ranger Leadership and Year-round roles

Acknowledgments & BRC Manual

Firefly Ranger Charter

Firefly Ranger Charter